Tuesday, September 7, 2010

my sis came over last night for a brief visit, and was shocked to find my hubby cutting out these naked door sign hagers out of mounting boards. she always thought that we bought them from a scrapbooking shop and she went hunting for them herself with no luck.

i love the assorted colours...

they are now on my ebay for sale
each piece selling at S$2 + S$1 for normal mail postage + S$1 more for registered mail

Monday, September 6, 2010

i'll be taking a 1-year break from work, and decided to focus more on family and scrapbooking. one of my plans is to put up my work on sales in a flea-market. i have already started with some early preparations and few of these items are on already on ebay...but only the bookmarks. i have not decided if i should upload my scrapped notebooks for on-line sales. i'll see how it goes.

anw, for record purpose, my ebay is at http://shop.ebay.com.sg/zanas2008/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340

meanwhile, these are my first few bookmarks ...